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A long list of references
Also, Jos Vercammen from Vremde noticed the strong breeding results of the pigeons of Marcel Wouters. It didn’t take long before a select group of pigeons moved to Vremde, including BE08-6174630 ‘Elektro’. This son to ‘Den Extreem’ x Daughter de Leeuw’ turned out to be a true basic breeder for Hok Jos Vercammen. His descendants were winner on many semi-national and provincial races. It didn’t take long for Rik Hermans and Bart Geerinckx came to Westmalle to collect some extraordinary pigeons from Marcel Wouters. Rik Hermans owns a niece of ‘De Leeuw’, who is breeder of 1. Nat. Bourges against 24.676 pigeons, as well as a 2. Olympiadbird Yearlings Poznan in 2011. Bart Geerinckx participated in co-breeding with Marcel. The descendants to these pigeons won 1. Prov. Argenton against 971 birds, 3. Nat. Argenton against 6.033 birds, 2. Prov. Montluçon, etc. Also, well-known fanciers like Willem de Bruijn and Ad Schaerlaekens obtained pigeons from Marcel and are very successful with the descendants to ‘De Leeuw’ and ‘Den Extreem’. It shows that Marcel Wouters owns an extraordinary strain of pigeons, with exceptional breeding results.